Wednesday 5 December 2012


• The Quran will be a Proof for or against Us on the Day of Judgement

This is due to the statement of the Messenger sallahu alayhi

 wa salam: “And the Quran is a proof for you or against you.” [Muslim]

• The Quran will Intercede for Us on the Day of Judgement

Abu Umaamah (May Allah be pleased with him) related that the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam said: “Read the Quran, for indeed it will come on the Day of Standing (Judgement) as an intercessor for its companions.” [Muslim]

• The Quran Raises One’s Status in this Life

In Saheeh Muslim, some men came to question Umar bin Al-Khattaab (May Allah be pleased with him) during his reign as caliph regarding the leadership of Makkah. The men asked: “Who do you use to govern Makkah?” Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said: “Ibn Abzaa.” They asked: “And who is Ibn Abzaa?” ‘Umar replied: “A freed slave from those we freed.” They remarked: “You left a freed slave in command of the People of the Valley (the noble tribes of the Quraysh)?” He replied: “Indeed he is a reciter of the Book of Allaah and is knowledgeable about the obligations of the Muslims. Haven’t you heard the statement of your Messenger sallahu alayhi wa salam: “Verily Allaah raises some people by this Book and lowers others by it?””

• The People of the Quran are from Best of People

‘Uthmaan (May Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam said: “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others.” [Al-Bukhaari]

• There are Ten Rewards for Every Letter Recited from the Quran

“Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allaah, he will have a reward, and this reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that ‘Alif, Laam, Meem’ is a letter, rather I am saying that ‘Alif’ is a letter, ‘Laam’ is a letter and ‘Meem’ is a letter.” [At-Tirmithi]

• The Reciters of the Quran Will Be in the Company of the Noble and Obedient Angels

‘Aa’ishah related that the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam said: “Indeed the one who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. As for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have twice that reward.” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim]

• One’s Position and Rank in Paradise is Determined by the Amount of Quran He Memorised in this Life

‘Abdullaah bin ‘Amr bin Al-‘Aas (May Allah be pleased with him) heard the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam saying: “It will be said to the companion of the Quran: ‘Read and elevate (through the levels of Paradise) and beautify your voice as you did when you were in the worldly life! For verily, your position in Paradise will be at the last verse you recite!’” [Abu Daawood & At-Tirmithi]

• The Quran Leads to Paradise

The Quran states (what means): “Indeed the Quran guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward.” [Quran: 17:9]

• The Quran restores soul calmnes

“No people assembled in one of the houses of Allaah (mosques), and recite and study the Book of Allaah (among themselves), except that tranquility would prevail over them, mercy would encompass them, the angels would surround them, and Allaah would make a mention of them in the presence of those near Him (angels).” [Muslim]

»» Allah Most High says, “Truly, it is by the Remembrance of Allah that hearts find rest.” [Qur'an, 13:28]

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May Allah reward you the best for spreading goodness...

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