Tuesday 4 June 2013

Suicide Bomber

The marking difference between suicide and martyrdom operation:
Taking an example, suppose a man who has an armour on him that protects him from arrows, spears and swords. This man, for some reason, is disappointed with Allah's qadr, and he goes to the scene of a raging battle, removes his armour and exposes his body to the shooting arrows, and to swords and spears and gets killed. Undoubtedly everyone will agree that it was a suicide. No doubt regarding that. BUT....
Mu'aadh ibn 'Afraa said: "O Messenger of Allah! What makes the Lord laugh upon His slave?" He(s.a.w.) said: "His immersing his hand bare into the enemy." So he put aside the armour that was on him and fought till he was killed, may Allah be pleased with him. (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 5/338)
Mu'aadh bin 'Afraa did the same thing as that man did, but what that man did was suicide, but no one will dare to call what Mu'aadh bin 'Afraa did as suicide! Because it was the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. himself who inspired him to do that, and thus what made the difference was solely "INTENTION", in the first case same act was suicide, while in the second case it was what we call "Istishhaad"(seeking martyrdom) by a Fidaai(self-sacrificing) Mujahid fee sabeelillah. And the hadeeth clearly suggests that martyrdom operations are not just permissible, rather mustahabb!

AMAZING! Gem from Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan's Ramadan Series - The Musabbihaat.

PLEASE REMEMBER THIS - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT - People might have a good opinion of you and people might have a bad opinion of you, none of that means anything to Allah. Allah's opinion of you has nothing to do with people's opinion of you. If people think you are great that is no guarantee that Allah thinks you are great. NONE!! NONE!! You are kidding yourself. 

If people think you are terrible... you are going to hell.. you are evil.. that is no guarantee that Allah thinks you are evil Allah still has love for you. What people think of me and what people think of you MEANS NOTHING!! with Allah.. When people praise us and people condemn us we don't let that make us think 'O thats how Allah thinks of me'.

 On one hand people become delusional when people praise them, they think they are praise worthy with Allah - they become delusional - hypocrisy sets in, self righteousness sets in and they lose all ranking with Allah. Then all they get is duniya and people's praise. And they come in front of Allah and Allah says 'you got what you were working for - you got nothing with me' . And on the other hand you have people who may be trying to do good but others judge them and pass verdicts on them, they start thinking 'people think I am messed up - I must be messed up'. Who told you, you are messed up? Allah dint give up on you - You gave up on yourself. Allah says I dint judge you - I kept the doors of tawba open for you. I had the invitation open - why did you give up on me? Dont blame people, blame yourself.
via:The Ideal Muslimah

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