Thursday 4 July 2013


"Be grateful no matter what the calamities are. Remember, miracles can happen in seconds, only when Allah wills it. It can happen today, maybe tomorrow and maybe it will happen some other day. Allah says: give the glad tidings to the patients. So, be among the patient and help is just round the corner!"

--Shaikh Assim AlHakeem


A fisherman from New Zealand was left baffled when he caught this see-through shrimp-like creature swimming near the surface of the ocean

It has become common for people to #worry about their past and future. They #worry to such an extent that those #worries become detrimental to their #health. These #worries and #tensions are associated with #high#bloodpressure and #heartdiseases. They fail to think that yesterday has passed with good and evil, while tomorrow has not yet arrived. People during those times fail to think that Allah has written our #destiny before our birth. So whatever happens #good/evil happens by His Will He is #AlAleem (All knowing) and #AlHakeem(The Most Wise).

Surah Al-Hadid (The Chapter of Iron) verse 22 states:

“No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al Lawh Al Mahfooz) before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.”

Know that Allah’s knowledge encompasses all of creation and He knows everything that His creation will do. Even before they do.

So accept Allah’s #Qadar (Divine Destiny) and lead a more #satisfying and #productive life, In Sha Allah.

--The Productive Muslimah Visionaries

We always tend to think that people's lives are better the ours. The funny thing is that others think that our lives are better than theirs! The secret is: the lack of content and satisfaction with what you have. Allah says: Few of My servants are truly thankful." The happiest man on earth is a true believer who is content! O Allah make us thankful and content with whatever you give us.

--Sheikh Assim AlHakeem

You are GUARANTEED an answer from Allah. Without a doubt, it is IMPOSSIBLE for your dua to be ignored.
Allah will provide from sources you could never have imagined. Open yourself to unanticipated opportunities.

[Via Muhammad Alshareef

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