Friday 22 March 2013

Mother's Love

:An Angry Mother's Du'a Got Accepted...::♥

Shaykh Al-Kalbaani, former Imam of the Ka'bah, at a conference in London was telling us this story:

When he was young, he was a very naughty boy. He would make his mother angry. But his mother, Allah bless her, was a very righteous woman and she knew the power of Du'a.

She made it her habit that, in her anger at him, she would say this Du'a: "May Allah guide YOU! And make you the IMAM of the Ka'bah!"

Imam Al-Kalbani tells us, "so Allah answered her du'a and I went on to become the Imam of the Ka'bah!" Allahu akbar! :)

(via- Muhammad Alshareef)

Ponder This ---> Don't curse your children when they might backfire! I know of someone who told her son to 'go die', & regretted it later when he passed away the same day. Subhan Allah!

Watch your words dear parents. Make it a habit to utter good du'as for them...Yes, even when you're angry with them!!

The Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasallam) said; "Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah Subhan wa Ta’ala), the supplication of the parent for his child, the supplication of the o­ne who is fasting, and the supplication of the traveller."
al-Bayhaqi, at-Tirmidhi - Sahih]

:An Angry Mother's Du'a Got Accepted...::♥

Shaykh Al-Kalbaani, former Imam of the Ka'bah, at a conference in London was telling us this story:

When he was young, he was a very naughty boy. He would make his mother angry. But his mother, Allah bless her, was a very righteous woman and she knew the power of Du'a.

She made it her habit that, in her anger at him, she would say this Du'a: "May Allah guide YOU! And make you the IMAM of the Ka'bah!"

Imam Al-Kalbani tells us, "so Allah answered her du'a and I went on to become the Imam of the Ka'bah!" Allahu akbar! :)

(via- Muhammad Alshareef)

Ponder This ---> Don't curse your children when they might backfire! I know of someone who told her son to 'go die', & regretted it later when he passed away the same day. Subhan Allah! 

Watch your words dear parents. Make it a habit to utter good du'as for them...Yes, even when you're angry with them!!

The Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasallam) said; "Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah Subhan wa Ta’ala), the supplication of the parent for his child, the supplication of the o­ne who is fasting, and the supplication of the traveller."
al-Bayhaqi, at-Tirmidhi - Sahih]

In a rare interview with the Al Watan newspaper, when asked about his wife's role in his success, Imam of Al Masjid Al Haraam in Makkah; Shaikh Saud Ash-Shuraim memorably stated,

"Before I say something about my wife, I can’t forget my mother’s love and mercy for me in my childhood and youth as well; As she raised me in orphanage in childhood... her love is a tonic for me. May Allah shower His mercy upon her as she did with me when I was a child.And as for my wife, she has proven herself to be the best companion for me in happiness and sorrow, she is there when I need her, cheers me up, and tries her best to lighten my sorrows. May Allah include this in her good deeds."#Masha Allah! :) ♥

"Stand firm against evil thoughts, for if you fail to do so, they will become ideas, if you do not, they will become desires, so fight against them. If you do not, they will become a form of determination and intention, if you do not resist, they will become actions, and if you do not follow them up with their opposite, they will become habits that will be hard to quit."

- Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah

Wise words by a dear brother .."Dont rely on emotional strength in times of hardship but rely on ur Iman in Allah swt to help you out, because it is only He that will ease the pain and hardship and bring relief, no one else but Him" ..SubhanAllah Glory to Allah swt

“If I had anything, I would not withhold it. Whoever refrains from asking others, then Allah will make him content; and whoever would be self-sufficient, then Allah will make him self-sufficient; and whoever would be patient, then Allah will make him patient. 

There is no gift that is better and more comprehensive than patience.”[Sahih Bukhari, Book 24, Number 548]

The worst people are those whom (when they become angry with you) they:
- Deny your previous favors on them- reveal your secrets- forget your good company- and says about you something that’s not in you

✿You can never hold onto anything that isn't meant for you. Sometimes you have to learn to let go, Even if you don't want to, In order to see if it really is yours and if it is, it will find its way back to you understand any test and circumstance. What's yours will always remain yours, what's meant to be will always be InshaALLAH.✿

"Don’t let a sin become so great in your eyes that it prevents you from expecting the best from Allah Most High. Whoever knows his Lord considers his sin small in relation to His generosity."
- Ibn Ata'Allah al Iskandari

"Salah is not 'part-time' or 'sometime' it should be on-time and maybe overtime because death can come at anytime."

- Sheikh Khalid Yasin

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