"Whoever seeks a friend without faults will live life alone. Whoever seeks a spouse without shortcomings will live life as a bachelor. Whoever seeks a loved one without problems will live life forever searching. And whoever seeks a relative who is perfect will live life cutting ties."
- al-Sha'rawi
If you keep seeking perfection in beings that were created imperfect, you will neither find what you're looking for, nor will you will be happy with what you've got. So it's best to accept people as they are and overlook their faults. "... and We have made some of you as a trial for others; will you be patient? And your Lord is Ever All-Seer." [al-Furqan: 20]
At times looking for a pious spouse can be a long
process. We pray, we search, we wait and nothing
happens for what might seem like eternity. This can
be a time when Shaitan will try to discourage us, or
even entice us to look using haram means. Brothers and sisters - don’t give up! Remember that
“Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is
laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard
and slow - that is patience.” {O you who have
believed, seek help through patience and prayer.
Indeed, Allah is with the patient.} [Quran 2:153]
“If people let you down, specifically those beloved and close to you, or if you put your hope in someone after Allah and they don’t come through, at that point know that Allah wants you to turn to Him.”
Shaykh Al-Shinqiti
“Some people will see one girl here, another one there; then other one there, then they will go and see another. Is it a kind of shopping you are doing? Are they something which is being sold in supermarkets for you to go and see and pick? No, come on brothers! They are DAUGHTERS to somebody; they are SISTERS to somebody; they are VALUED, BELOVED to somebody. They are TREASURES which are not easily taken. So BE A MAN. Do your homework FIRST before proposing to one. Don’t go and DARE to purpose to another if you have not yet said yes/no to the first one. Don’t you know your taste that you continue doing your shopping and keeping numerous choices for you to decide in the end. It is not a part of having good manners.’’
[ Dr.Muhammad Anwar Sahib, Fiqh 202, BAIS Islamic Online University]
[ Dr.Muhammad Anwar Sahib, Fiqh 202, BAIS Islamic Online University]
Masnoon Islamic duaas
♥°★`Crying does not nullify beautiful patience. It does not mean that you don’t have patience.
In fact, the opposite is true. When you’re crying & supplicating to Allâh, it is as if you’re saying you have no one else but Allah.
It is an indication of your ikhlas & tawheed – you’re not asking anyone else but Allâh.
Prophet Ya’qub (alyhissalam) cried & cried until he lost his sight. He was not just patient, he was beautifully patient & his patience was beautiful.
It is a complete patience in that he turned to Allâh alone in his calamity.`♥°★
Time and again, we are asked about the reason behind someone's delay in marriage or if there is a du'a to hasten it. Know that you were not created to get married and have babies. Our purpose was worship which has been pushed behind our backs and the fitnahs of dunya have occupied us with other less important things. How many sisters get married and find the happiness that they believed lies in marriage as promoted by movies and fairytales? How many sisters got married at age 19 and ended up with abusive husbands? How many sisters got married at the "right age" but never conceived a child? How many mothers abandon their children after having them? Hold good thoughts about Allah and strive for the akhirah. Don't worry yourself too much about the things of dunya.Here's an answer to what you should do if there has been a delay in your marriage. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ease everyone's pain, aameen.
Q. Does the delay of a girl’s marriage have anything to do with al-qada’ wa’l-qadar (the divine will and decree)? I am a girl who fears Allaah and I pray, but marriage has been delayed for me. Very few men have proposed marriage to me and all of them have faults, mostly in the area of religious commitment. I am asking: does the delay in marriage have any connection to the will and decree of Allaah or is it that I have committed a sin and Allaah is angry with me, although I fear Allaah greatly and Allaah has given me a share of beauty? I want to put my mind at rest by asking you.
It is better for a woman to be married than to remain single, but it is better for her to be single than to be married to an oppressive, abusive man who makes her life an intolerable misery.
It is also better to be in a respectful polygamous marriage than in an intolerable monogamous marriage.
Marriages should not be broken for petty reasons, but when there are serious matters beyond reconciliation, divorce comes as a saviour.
If a woman was supposed to be forced to live in an intolerable marriage, why would the Almighty give her the right to apply for a dissolution of her marriage upon the non-fulfilment of her rights by her husband? (Mufti Ismail Menk)
Narrated By Abu Hurairah (Radhy-ALLAHu 'Anhu):
The PROPHET (Sall-ALLAHu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) Said, "Beware of Suspicion, For Suspicion Is The Worst o f False Tales; And Do Not Look For The Others' Faults And Do Not Spy, And Do Not Be Jealous of One Another, And Do Not Desert (Cut Your Relation With) One Another, And Do Not Hate One Another; O ALLAH's Worshippers! Be Brothers (As ALLAH Has Ordered You!")
Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 90
" We often thank a bad friend for reminding us to do something stupid but become upset when a good friend reminds us to do the right thing "
[Mufti Ismail Menk]
How true is this statement?? We dont get angry at our good friends, we BUILD HATRED TOWARDS THEM!
May Allah Guide our Hearts! Ameen!
"Sit only in the company of one who advises you to desire little from this world and who encourages you to put your hopes in the Hereafter. Take care not to sit with worldly people who speak constantly about worldly affairs; such people will ruin your religious well-being and will corrupt your heart."
— Sufyaan Ath-Thauree (rahimullaah)
7 practical steps to help you face any difficult situation
►Salah: Make sure you stick to praying on time – 5 times a day. Never miss a Salah and do your best to pray each Salah with sincerity as if it’s your last Salah in this world.
►Read Quran: This Quran is so beautiful that no matter what difficulties you face you’ll find solace in it.
►Make Dua: Especially the Dua for removing anxiety.
►Give Sadaqah.: Give lots of charity, as much as you can, because it helps push away hardship. And if you can’t give money, even kind words or physical sadaqah can do (i.e. helping people physically or emotionally).
►Set Goals and Have Vision: Don’t let shaytaan play with you and keep replaying the video of your hardship in your mind over and over again, move on! Set new goals, new projects, and remember you’re with Allah, nothing should stop you!
►Wake up Early: Wake up before Fajr and work on your ideas and projects, or simply read Qur’an. Getting busy before day break is a definite way to move away from your hardship and overcome challenges. Get most of your ideas/work done in these early hours, these are blessed hours.
►Hardship is Not Lost: Remember, Allah will never forget the injustice/hardship you faced, so don’t worry about seeking revenge or trying to get justice.
*Slave Of Allah*
”When a test comes to you:
1. Know that everything is by Qadr of Allah
2. Remember that other people have bigger problems than you
3. Remember the death of the Prophet (pbuh), the greatest calamity the Ummah faced
4. Maybe through this trial, Allah has saved you from an even bigger trial.5. Through this trial Allah will remove some of your sins
6. Through this trial Allah has opened up a huge world of ibadah like sabr, salah, repentance etc
7. With this trial, Allah is putting you on the path of the Prophets. It is a confirmation that Allah loves you. The more Allah loves somebody, the more he tests them.”
— Sheikh Tawfique
► Please Join: Muslimah Spirit
'Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.'
“You know you love someone, when you pray for them more than you pray for yourself!
The Prophet sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said :
“The supplication of a Muslim for his (Muslim) brother in his absence will certainly be answered. Everytime he makes a supplication for good for his brother, the angel appointed for this particular task says: `A meen! May it be for you, too.” [Muslim, 1495]
’Abdullaah Ibn ‘Abbaas (and also in the narration mentioned by Ibn Hajar, Abu Hurayrah), said that the Prophet Muhammad said:
“Whoever sticks to my Sunnah (my way, my path, my practice, my teachings) when my Ummah becomes corrupt, will receive the reward of 100 martyrs.”
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