Tuesday 12 March 2013

True Friendship

Who do you sit with...?

"Sit only in the company of one who advises you to desire little from this world and who encourages you to put your hopes in the Hereafter. Take care not to sit with worldly people who speak constantly about worldly affairs; such people will ruin your religious well-being and will corrupt your heart."

Sufyan al-Thawri

“A friend is the one who you don’t have to remind to remember you in his supplication, and that you don’t have to flatter and impress, and that you don’t have to apologize to.”
Yahya bin Mu’adh [pg.46 The Manners of Seeking Knowledge by Sheikh Raslan]

How strange! You lose a little from you and you cry. And your whole life is wasting and you’re laughing. (Ibn al-Jawzi)

A friend cannot be considered a
friend unless he is tested on three
occasions: in time of need, behind
your back and after your death.
[ Hazrat Ali radiAllahu anhu]

“Make your best friends your good deeds, for your good deeds will never leave you in your grave.”
‎"Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith."
Bilal bin Sa’d:

“A brother who reminds you of Allah when you meet him, is better than a friend who places a dinar in your hand every time you meet him”

(Hilyatul Awliyaa 5/225)

Via - Brotherhood In Islam

Ibn 'Umar (radiallahu anhu) used to say:

"If you survive till the evening, do not expect to be alive in the morning, and if you survive till the morning, donot expect to be alive in the evening, and take from your health for your sickness, and (take) from your life foryour death."

...........(Bukhari: Book 8 Vol 76 Hadith 425).............

Never forget that ALLAH is your Friend - The BEST of all friends! He wants to hear what's been happening in your life. Good or bad, whether it's been full of sorrow or anger, or even when you're questioning why terrible things have to happen. Go ahead, Go down in Sujood...TALK to HIM this very moment!

Your brothers and sisters in Bangladesh ( and all those who are suffering around the globe) are in an urgent need of your dua. They are being massacred! 

Please devote a good portion of your duaa to them and spread awareness. Remember esp the tahajud duaa, duaa in prostration, duaas at the time of breaking fast, the duaa during rain, the duaa right before Maghrib on Fridays, and the duaa of a traveler spread awareness. 

For those who have the privilege of going to Mecca, please make sure to remember them there.


Are you really my friend?

I sit with you all day …I spend all my time with you
I reach out to you when I am bored…or have nothing to do

I call you to have fun or just hang around
I call you when I need a shoulder….I call you when I am down

But are you really my friend? That’s my question to you
Something you need to answer….if you are really true

Do you stop me from all evil and prevent me from all vice…
Or do you assist me in it with your immoral advice?

Do you take me to the Masjid and remind me it’s time to pray…
Or do you say, ‘You can pray later….it’s perfectly okay’?

When we spend time together… are there angels in the room…
Or do we trespass limits where only devils dare to loom?

Is our talk filled with that which pleases the Most High…
Or is it that which angers Him….something sure to annoy?

Do you ask me to sin along with you….not leave you to sin alone?
Have I mastered through you the ways of sin? Has my evil grown?

If I start to backbite, do you stop me midway
Or do you add a word or two, adding spice to what I say

Do you encourage me….when I try to be good
Or do you make FUN of me….just as a Kaafir would?

When I walk with you in Hijaab….am I a source of embarrassment…
Or when I pray in public places, is that your predicament?

Do you remind me of the importance…of the Qur’aan and Sunnah?
Do you guide me to the Way of Success….Salvation…and Jannah?

Do we fast while others eat and drink…do we pray while others sleep…
Or are we the ones whose company no Pious would like to keep?

Have you taught me what I need to know…or have you pushed me away
From the very things that can save me on Judgment Day

When my deeds will be shown to me….when I see my final end
Will I then thank Allah for having you as a friend?

Will I curse you when it is time…to get up from my grave
“I wish I never met you!” ….Is that what I will rave?

"Oh woe to me! Had I not taken you as a friend!"
“What evil company…..to lead me to such an end!”

On the Day of Judgment….amid chaos, confusion and disgrace
You too, will run away from me….you too, will turn your face

Will I then know…..to my dismay….the bitter reality
Will I then realize ….that you are in fact my enemy?

If you really are my friend….if that’s what you really say
Then you will care about my ‘book’….the one I'll hold that Day

You will help me to fill it….with goodness and piety
And from sin and transgression….to keep it empty

You will aid me to do good…..advise me if am wrong
You will assist me in righteousness…You will make my Deen strong

You will not take offence if I enjoin what is good
And forbid what’s evil…..That’s the right of Brotherhood

And if, truly, for the sake of Allaah….we love one another
Under the shade of His Throne is where we will meet each other

I will then, thank you for your company, advice and good counsel
And the time we spent together…for all that I will be grateful

Then, if I were to enter Heaven I would look for you and ask…
“Where is my companion….my true friend of the past?

In Jannah we will abide…there we will be together
For…you were MY TRUE FRIEND….for ever and ever.
Are you really my friend?

I sit with you all day …I spend all my time with you
I reach out to you when I am bored…or have nothing to do

I call you to have fun or just hang around
I call you when I need a shoulder….I call you when I am down

But are you really my friend? That’s my question to you
Something you need to answer….if you are really true

Do you stop me from all evil and prevent me from all vice…
Or do you assist me in it with your immoral advice?

Do you take me to the Masjid and remind me it’s time to pray…
Or do you say, ‘You can pray later….it’s perfectly okay’?

When we spend time together… are there angels in the room…
Or do we trespass limits where only devils dare to loom?

Is our talk filled with that which pleases the Most High…
Or is it that which angers Him….something sure to annoy?

Do you ask me to sin along with you….not leave you to sin alone?
Have I mastered through you the ways of sin? Has my evil grown?

If I start to backbite, do you stop me midway
Or do you add a word or two, adding spice to what I say

Do you encourage me….when I try to be good
Or do you make FUN of me….just as a Kaafir would?

When I walk with you in Hijaab….am I a source of embarrassment…
Or when I pray in public places, is that your predicament?

Do you remind me of the importance…of the Qur’aan and Sunnah?
Do you guide me to the Way of Success….Salvation…and Jannah?

Do we fast while others eat and drink…do we pray while others sleep…
Or are we the ones whose company no Pious would like to keep?

Have you taught me what I need to know…or have you pushed me away
From the very things that can save me on Judgment Day

When my deeds will be shown to me….when I see my final end
Will I then thank Allah for having you as a friend?

Will I curse you when it is time…to get up from my grave
“I wish I never met you!” ….Is that what I will rave?

"Oh woe to me! Had I not taken you as a friend!"
“What evil company…..to lead me to such an end!”

On the Day of Judgment….amid chaos, confusion and disgrace
You too, will run away from me….you too, will turn your face

Will I then know…..to my dismay….the bitter reality
Will I then realize ….that you are in fact my enemy?

If you really are my friend….if that’s what you really say
Then you will care about my ‘book’….the one I'll hold that Day

You will help me to fill it….with goodness and piety
And from sin and transgression….to keep it empty

You will aid me to do good…..advise me if am wrong
You will assist me in righteousness…You will make my Deen strong

You will not take offence if I enjoin what is good
And forbid what’s evil…..That’s the right of Brotherhood

And if, truly, for the sake of Allaah….we love one another
Under the shade of His Throne is where we will meet each other

I will then, thank you for your company, advice and good counsel
And the time we spent together…for all that I will be grateful

Then, if I were to enter Heaven I would look for you and ask…
“Where is my companion….my true friend of the past?

In Jannah we will abide…there we will be together
For…you were MY TRUE FRIEND….for ever and ever.

‎::♥::The True Meaning of Friendship::♥::

“Abu Hamdun (one of the Tabi’een) had a scroll (a llist) on which was written the names of three hundred of his close friends, and he used to supplicate for them – one by one – every single night.” :)
['Sifat as-Safwah'; 1/492]

Companions of Jannaah :Umar bin Al-Khattab (R A) said, "They are those who when they recite an Ayah that mentions mercy, they ask Allaah for it, and when they recite an Ayah that mentions torment, they seek refuge with Allaah from it.'' This meaning was attributed to the Prophet (SAWS), for when he used to recite an Ayah of mercy, he invoked Allaah for mercy, and when he recited an Ayah of torment, he sought refuge from it with Allaah. [As reported in Ibn Majah # 1119 on the authority of Hudhayfah bin al-Yaamaan R A, and Authenticated by Sheikh al-Albaanee].
Ibn al-Qayyim said that the Salaf used to say:
“In a world that will vanish, Falling in love With a fading shadow Is sheer stupidity!”

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