Saturday 23 March 2013


*Many times we commit sin and we ask forgiveness. We then commit the sin again, and then ask forgiveness again, and we even commit it for a third time and that is when shaytaan starts putting doubts in us that, " Allah will probably not forgive me any more!".

Walahi this thought is more dangerous than ANY SIN! Shaytaan never comes to us to tell us to stop doing the sin, but he'll always come to tell us to stop asking for forgiveness! My request from all who are reading this is, please don't give up on Allah! Trust me, Wallahi, his mercy is beyond our grasp!

DOOR - The entrance of syatan into human

1. Al jahlu (ignorance)
2. Al ghadhab (angry)
3. Hubbud dunya ( worldy crazed)
4. Thulul amal (length wishful thinking)
5. Al hirshu (greedy)
6. Al bukhlu (stingy)
7. Al Kibru (arrogant)
8. Hubbul madhu (mad praise)
9. Ar riyaau (showing off)
10. Al 'ujubu (proud of ourself)
11. Al jaza'u wal hala'u (panic and confusion)
12. Ittiba'ul hawa (the desire)
13. Su udz dzon (prejudice)
14. Ihtiqorul Muslims (demeaning Islam)
15. Ihtiqorudz dzunub (understatement of sin)
16. Al amnu min makrillah (feel safe from the threat of Allah)
17. Al qunuth min rahmatillah (pessimistic of the mercy of Allah).

O Allah keep us, all of our sahabah (muslims) and our family from this bad character. Ameen

The Eyes & Heart:
Imam Ibn ul-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said:

“Between the eyes and the heart there is a connection which means that the one is affected by the other, and if one of them becomes good, the other will also become good, and if one becomes corrupt the other will become corrupt. If the heart becomes corrupt the gaze will become corrupt, and if the gaze become corrupt the heart will become corrupt, and similarly if one is sound the other will also be sound.”

[Al-Jawaab al-Kaafee of Ibn al-Qayyim (p.125

"He who gets himself in the habit of doing actions just for the sake of Allaah, there is nothing harder upon him than to do an action for other than Allaah. 

And he who gets himself in the habit of doing actions based upon his desires, or [an ulterior motive, such as praise from the people, or status, or position, or wealth] then there is nothing harder upon him than to try to do an action sincerely to Allaah."
~ Ibn al Qayyim (rahimahullaah)
If you were to gain knowledge for a hundred years and collect a thousand books, you will not be deserving of God’s Mercy except by practising your knowledge, because Allah has said: “The man shall only get what he strove for” al-Najm 39

- al-Ghazzali

Our affairs are attached to the destiny decreed by Allah, even our best plans may lead us to destruction.

If you do 99 good things but make one single bad deed, people will blame you as if you had never done a good thing in your life. But if you did 99 bad things and then sought forgiveness from Allah, He will forgive you as if you had never done a bad thing. Why is it then that we run after those who will never be pleased with what we do while neglecting the One whom we should be pleasing? Allah described the hypocrites by saying “They swear by Allah to you in order to please you, but it is more fitting that they should please Allah and His Messenger, if they are believers.” So, which party are you with and who do you want to please most? Your actions will answer this question!
(Assim Alhakeem)

"One of the effects of sins is that it brings fear and feelings of loneliness to the heart. Because of sins Allah throws fear and horror into the heart of the sinner so that you never see him but afraid and terrified. Whoever fears Allah, Allah will secure him from everything and whoever doesn't Allah will scare him from everything.

One of sins punishments is that they bring great loneliness to the heart so that the sinner finds himself lonely, he finds himself lonely between him and his Lord, he finds himself lonely between him and other people, he finds himself lonely between him and himself. The more the sins increase the more loneliness increases. The most bitter life is the life of the loners and the most vibrant good life is the life of those who are happy."

"When Allah chose you and guided you, this is not because you are special or due to your astonishing forms of worship. This is due only to Allah’s mercy on you which can be stripped from you any time and turn you back on your heels. Therefore, never be fooled by our own good deeds and never look down at those who are sinful or went astray. Had it not been to Allah’s mercy, you might have been in that person’s shoes! O Allah make us steadfast on Islam with your mercy."-Shaikh Assim AlHakeem

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