Monday 8 April 2013


"I do not like this world except for 3 things! the place where my forehead touches the ground in prostration, the places where people gather for knowledge, seeking good words as they would choose the best dates from the dish, and striving in Allah's way."

['Umar ibn al-Khattab]
"I do not like this world except for 3 things! the place where my forehead touches the ground in prostration, the places where people gather for knowledge, seeking good words as they would choose the best dates from the dish, and striving in Allah's way." 

['Umar ibn al-Khattab]

"If we can't free ourselves from our beds before the sun rises, how can we expect to be able to free nations from their oppressors?"

--AbuHafsah AbdulMalik Clare

The intelligent person’s tongue is behind his heart: when he wants to speak, he first thinks.

 If his words will be in his favor, he says them, and if they will be against him, he does not speak. 

And the ignorant person’s heart is behind his tongue: when he merely thinks of saying something, he says it, whether it is for or against him.

Hasan Al Basri (Rahimullaah)

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Seek out that which benefits you, seek help only from Allah and never say you can't do it. If any adversity comes to you do not say: 'If I had only acted in such-and-such a way, it would have been such-and-such;' but instead, say: 'Allah has decreed (it) and what He willed, He has done,' for verily, (the word) ‘if’ opens the way for the work of Satan." [Sahih Muslim]

"How strange and foolish is man. He loses his health in gaining wealth. Then, to regain health he wastes his wealth. He ruins his present while worrying about his future, but weeps in future by recalling his past. He lives as though death shall never come to him, but dies in a way as if he were never born."

"You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. You don’t have to say what everyone is saying. You don’t have to buy what everyone else is buying. All you have to do is do what Allah has commanded."

When something happens in your life that you have no control over, consider it a reminder that Allah is in charge of everything. -♥. :)

Whatever you lost through fate, be certain that it saved you from pain. Whatever you lost through the stroke of destiny, know it was to save you from adversity. One small affliction keeps off greater afflictions; one small loss prevents greater losses.
"Peace doesn't exist outside. It can only exist inside. And the peace that is on the inside cannot be taken away by anyone. No matter what they do. No matter what they say. No matter what they threaten. If your paradise is in your heart, no one can take it from you. "
"Were you to go to the door of the governor, he would not receive you or give you any attention, perhaps he will even prevent you from getting near him. But the King of kings is saying ‘Whoever comes to me walking, I will go to him running,’ yet you turn away from Him and run after another!"

Don't worry about life for it is not within your power , but worry about your Imaan, because without which life would be worthless .

“When we do good nobody remembers, but when we do bad nobody forgets.
The Almighty deletes bad deeds that are followed by good deeds, but man chooses to look at the past bad of a person rather than the current good.”

~ Muslimah Spirit.

Hassan Al-Basri was asked:
Shouldn’t one of us feel too shy to ask his Lord to forgive his sin, then do it again, then ask for forgiveness, then do it again?
He said, The Shaytaan wishes that you would have this attitude, so do not tire of asking for forgiveness.

Sometimes, no matter how much you do for a person, they remain ungrateful. This can be quite upsetting for us as human beings. We do not like that our efforts go un-noticed. But the key to tackling this feeling, is to do things solely for the sake of Allah, to please Him.
This way, regardless of who does and doesn't appreciate your efforts, Allah is aware. The mere fact that Allah knows that you are doing things to please Him, creates peace at heart.
Don't worry if people don't appreciate what you do, remember Allah is As-Shakur, The All Appreciative and He will reward you in the akhirah. ♥

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