Saturday 20 April 2013

Safety First


Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz (Radiallahu anhu) had a staircase in his home. The staircase had one particular brick which was loose and would shake whenever he used to step upon it.

One day, his servant decided to attach the brick firmly into place. The next time Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz (Radiallahu anhu) used the staircase he immediately realised that the brick was no longer loose and asked,"Why does this brick no longer shake?"

The servant replied,"We decided to repair it by attaching it firmly into place."

Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz (Radiallahu anhu) replied,"The loose brick served as a gentle reminder to me. Whenever I stepped onto it I would remember the Bridge of Sirat and declare,"O ALLAH, when I am afraid of a small brick falling from a staircase, how will I be able to cross the Bridge of Sirat."


May ALLAH make it easy for us to cross the Bridge of Sirat. Aameen

Kindly Join & Share •► Trust Allah Always
"Keep away from your enemy and be cautious of even your friend, except for the truthful and trusted friend. And no-one is trustworthy except him who fears Allah. Humble yourself at the graves, lower yourself in obedience and stand firm against disobedience."

~ Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab, (Radi'Allahu Anhu)~
“The heart is a tree that is watered with the water of obedience and its fruit is what you find in the outcome: the eye’s fruit is contemplation, the ear’s fruit is listening to Qur’an, the tongue’s fruit is remembrance, and the hands’ and feet’s fruit is seeking goodness. If the heart becomes dry, the fruit falls. If it becomes barren do much remembrances of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Be not like the sick individual who says: I will not take medicine until I find a cure. It is said to him: you will not find a cure until you take medicine.”

Ibn Ata'Allah (Rahimahullah alaihi)

"The wisest advice that you can taken on in your life is not to be so concerned with what is said about you. Indeed, you know who you are and Allah knows best your circumstance and intention. So don't lessen your worth by always justifying your actions, for indeed failure in life lies in one thing: Trying to please everyone."

- 'A'idh al-Qarni

"Be grateful no matter what the calamities are. Remember, miracles can happen in seconds, only when Allah wills it. It can happen today, maybe tomorrow and maybe it will happen some other day. Allah says: give the glad tidings to the patients. So, be among the patient and help is just round the corner!" ♥

--Shaikh Assim AlHakeem

"Fear of other people shouldn't prevent anyone
from speaking the truth if they observe or witness it, because this will not draw you closer to your fate and push away sustenance from you, to speak the truth or remind about a good thing."

Oh brothers and sisters! Know that when the Mujahideen pray at night, they do not pray for Allah to lift their burdens or remove their hardship! No! They pray to Allah for the entire ummah. And they to pray to Allah to have mercy on those who stayed behind! Oh my dear brothers and sisters. Our beloved Ummah! Remember the Mujahideen in your precious duas.


1. Read the Qur'an daily. In sha ALLAH.
2. Performing salah on time. In sha ALLAH.
3. Be in good company and get away
from bad company. In sha ALLAH.
4. Standing up for Night prayer. In sha ALLAH.
5. Making a lot of dua's and always
asking ALLAH ( ﻰَﻟﺎَﻌَﺗَﻭ ُﻪَﻧﺎَﺤْﺒُﺳ ) for guidance and constancy.

1- It darkens and hardens your heart.
2- It decreases your sustenance.
3- It delays and/or prevents guidance.
4- It incurs the wrath and displeasure of your lord.
5- It may prevent you from enjoying the halal of it in this life and the next.
6- It takes away the radiance from your face
7- It takes one away from the remembrance of Allah and the hereafter.
8- It is always followed by regret, usually in this life before the next.
9- It is a reason of you not doing further good deeds.
10- It is a reason for your supplications not being accepted.

Has the time not come for us to contemplate our actions and try to give up our sins, and seek Allah's forgiveness?
  • Are You Lucky

    Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “How lucky is that man who adopts humbleness without having scarcity, who considers himself inferior without having to beg for anything, who spends his own earned money in the right causes without disobeying Allah, who is kind to those having little means, and

    who remains in the company of learned men.” [Tibrani]

    In this hadith we are told who an enviable person is:

    1. A person who is humble despite having that which makes people proud.
    2. A person who earns and spends in the path of Allah.
    3. A person who is kind to those less privileged.
    4. A person who benefits from the companionship of the learned.

    Having wealth does not make one lucky; but having earned it honestly, by one's own hands and, moreover, having spent it on those things which earn Allah's pleasure, while obedient to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala), are what entitles one to be counted among the lucky. Wealth that is accompanied by arrogance and ignorance (ignorance of what will earn Allah's pleasure), is extremely unlucky.

    Can you count yourself lucky?

    The online version of Daily Hadith is available now, please visit

There are many hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about the power of this phrase, “SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi“, which means, “Glory to Allah and praise Him.”

1. Whoever says “SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi” a hundred times during the day, his sins are wiped away, even if they are like the foam of the sea. [Sahih al-Bukhari; #7:168, Sahih Muslim; #4:2071]

2. Abu Dharr reported that the Prophet (sws) said, “Shall I tell you the words that Allah loves the most?” I said: “Yes, tell me, O Messenger of Allah.” He said: “The words dearest to Allah are: subhanAllah wa bihamdihi.

3. A palm tree is planted for the reciter [of the above] in Paradise. [at-Tirmidhi; 5:511, al-Hakim]

4. The Prophet Muhammad (sws) said: “Two words (subhanAllah wa bihamdihi & Subhan Allah Al-Azeem ) are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, and are loved by the Most Merciful One.”

Allah is so forgiving and gives us countless avenues to earn our forgiveness. Today, let’s have this phrase – subhanAllah wa bihamdihi – on our tongues, and let’s earn our forgiveness, and have entire groves of palm trees planted for us in Jannah, Insha’Allah. :)

10 Steps to Self-Care
- If it feels wrong, don’t do it
- Say “exactly” what you mean
- Don’t be a people pleaser
- Trust your instincts
- Never speak badly about yourself
- Never give up on your dreams
- Don’t be afraid to say “no”
- Don’t be afraid to say “yes”
- Resist the need to always have control
- Stay away from drama and negativity........❥N❥

“Every Muslim must rise to defend his Deen. The wind of faith is blowing. We will continue to fight you (Kafireen) as long as we have weapons in our hands. I have sworn to only live free. Even if I find bitter the taste of death, I don't want to die humiliated or deceived.”

[Our beloved Lion Sheikh Osama bin Laden (Rahimahullah)]

Mistakes are made, battles are lost, lessons are learnt and our experience, patience and resolve develope as an Ummah until Allah bestows His victory on us.

Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki (rahimahullah) .

Girls Be Careful
Share this please ..

1) What should a woman do if she finds herself alone in the company of a strange male as she prepares to enter a lift in a high-rise apartment late at night?

Experts Say: Enter the lift. If you need to reach the 13th floor, press all the buttons up to your destination. No one will dare attack you in a lift that stops on every floor.

2) What to do if a stranger tries to attack you when you are alone in your house, run into the kitchen?

Experts Say: You alone know where the chili powder and turmeric are kept. And where the knives and plates are. All these can be turned into deadly weapons. If nothing else, start throwing plates and utensils all over.

Let them break. Scream. Remember that noise is the greatest enemy of a molester. He does not want to be caught.

3} Taking an Auto or Taxi at Night.

Experts Say: Before getting into an auto at night, note down its registration number. Then use a mobile to call your family or friend and pass on registeration details to them in the language the driver understands. Even if no one answers your call, pretend you are in a conversation. The driver now knows someone has his details and will be in serious trouble if anything goes wrong. He is now bound to take you home safe and sound. A potential attacker is now your de facto protector!

4}What if the driver turns into a street he is not supposed to - and you feel you are entering a danger zone?

Experts Say: Use the handle of your purse or your stole (dupatta) to wrap around his neck and pull him back. Within seconds, he will feel choked and helpless. In case you don’t have a purse or stole just pull him back by his collar. The top button of his shirt would then do the same trick.

5} If you are stalked at night.

Experts Say: enter a shop or a house and explain your predicament. If it is night and shops are not open, go inside an ATM box. ATM centers always have security guards. They are also monitored by close circuit television. Fearing identification, no one will dare attack you.

After all, being mentally alert is the greatest weapon you can ever have.

Please spread it to all those women u care & spread awareness as dis is da least we can do for a social & moral cause and for da safety of women.

[Dr-Ihab Maher]

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