Tuesday 16 April 2013


There is no insomnia for the Muslim. Insomnia just means your supposed to be up doing 'Ibaadah. It's a gift from Allah. People used to love that they didn't feel tired at night. They used to praise Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) for that state.

I know this might be a big step for some of us general Muslims. But if you have sleeping problems and can't sleep at night then look at it as a blessing and use it to read on Islam, zikr, salaah, or even lectures probably, whatever means you can use to increase your nearness to the Lord.

Slowly slowly you can work towards praying Tahajjud as well in shaa Allah.

But yeah, sleeping problems = more time to gain ajr for the Afterlife and more time to ponder over the sins committed through out the day and the to do Istighfar, even as you lie comfortably in your bed.

Wa Lillaahil Hamd

Any lover of this Dunya will never be able to escape three: consistent distress, continuous exhaustion and never-ending regret.

[Ibnul Qayyiym Radiyallaahu Anhu]

Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab (radhi Allah) would write to his governors during his caliphate and say:

“The most important of your affairs in my view is prayer; whoever prays regularly has protected his faith, but whoever neglects it, is bound to be more negligent in other issues of faith."

(At-Taareeqah Al-Hakamiyah, p. #240)

It is said that a man who was overburdened by worries went to a wise man and said, "I've come to you because I can't find a solution or a way out of the problems I'm in." The wise man said to him, "I will ask you two questions and I want you to answer them both." The man said, "Ask."

He said, "Did you come into this world with all these problems?"

He said, "No!"

He said, "Will you leave this world taking all these problems with you?"

He said, "No!"

He said, "A matter that you did not come with, nor will you leave with... it's more appropriate that it need not take all this energy from you nor overburden you like this. Be patient over the matters of this world, and let your gaze towards the heavens be longer than your gaze towards the earth, and you will soon have what you wish for."

♥ Kindly Join ► Trust Allah Always

No matter how high life takes you, remember to put your forehead to the ground 5 times a day to thank the One without whose blessings you'd be nowhere -

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