“Happiness is attained by three things: being patient when tested, being thankful when receiving a blessing, and being repentant upon sinning.”
,The most dangerous of the satanic whisperings are those which create doubts about Allah.If you knew how Allah manages your affairs, your heart would melt out of love for him
Sit with those who constantly repent,
for they have the softest hearts."-Umar ibn al-Khattab
Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the Prophet said: When the last one-third of the night remains, our Lord, the Glorious One descends towards the heaven of the earth and proclaims: Who is that who supplicates for Me, and I grant his supplication? Who is that who begs Mefor anything and I grant it to him? And who is that who seeks My forgiveness, and I forgive him? (Bukhari, Muslim).
Abu Malik Al-Harith bin Asim Al-Ash`ar (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Wudu' is half of Salah; the utterance of (Al-hamdu lillah - all praise belongs to Allah) fills the Scales of good actions; the utterance of (Subhan Allah wa Al-hamdu lillah) (Allah is far removed from every imperfection and all praise belongs to Allah) fills the space between the heavens and the earth, and Salat (prayer) is light; and charity is the proof of Faith; and endurance is light, and the Qur'an is a plea in your favour or against you. Every person departs; he either ransoms it or puts it into perdition".[Muslim].
Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah: Love to those who oppose Allah
Publication time: 30 October 2012, 02:01

Sheikh al-Islam says:
Words of Allah (the meaning):
"You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred..."
(The Holy Quran, Chapter 58. "The Woman Who Pleads", verse 22)
Allah said that you will not find a believer, that he loves the one who oppose Allah and His Messenger. Since the faith is incompatible with love for such one, like two opposite things to each other (like fire and water).
And if there was a faith, then there will be no opposite of it, and it is a muwalat (support, help, etc.) to the enemies of Allah.
And if a person wala (support, protect, etc.) the enemies of Allah in his heart, then this indicates that a person does not have a faith wajib (faith mandatory).
And this verse pointed to the fact that there is no such a believer (i.e., can not be a believer) that loves an unbeliever.
Majmu al-Fataawa 178***
Publication time: 30 October 2012, 02:01
Sheikh al-Islam says:
Words of Allah (the meaning):
"You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred..."
(The Holy Quran, Chapter 58. "The Woman Who Pleads", verse 22)
Allah said that you will not find a believer, that he loves the one who oppose Allah and His Messenger. Since the faith is incompatible with love for such one, like two opposite things to each other (like fire and water).
And if there was a faith, then there will be no opposite of it, and it is a muwalat (support, help, etc.) to the enemies of Allah.
And if a person wala (support, protect, etc.) the enemies of Allah in his heart, then this indicates that a person does not have a faith wajib (faith mandatory).
And this verse pointed to the fact that there is no such a believer (i.e., can not be a believer) that loves an unbeliever.
Majmu al-Fataawa 178***
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