Sunday 6 January 2013

Life Plan

It didn’t go to plan, what I had envisioned was taken from my bare hands.
How many times do we lose that which we *think* we need most? It is at this moment when Allah, AlHakeem (The Most Wise) is reminding us; <3
I have something better planned for you. Just wait. Be patient. Keep praying, struggling for my sake and I will *never* let you down because I know you care.
 He knows <3
He plans <3
And His plans are better than we can *ever* imagine..... <3

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@[130737230385798:274:Trust Allah Always]
It didn’t go to plan, what I had envisioned was taken from my bare hands.
How many times do we lose that which we *think* we need most? It is at this moment whe
n Allah, AlHakeem (The Most Wise) is reminding us; ♥
I have something better planned for you. Just wait. Be patient. Keep praying, struggling for my sake and I will *never* let you down because I know you care.
He knows ♥
He plans ♥
And His plans are better than we can *ever* imagine..... ♥

♥ Kindly Join & Share►►► Muslim & Muslimah
Trust Allah Always

Quote of Umar ibn Al-Khattab R.A

I looked at all the friends and did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all the dresses but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought about all sorts of wealth but did not find a better wealth than contentment in a little. I thought of all sorts of good deeds but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance but did not find a better sustenance than patience.

♥ Pearls of Wisdom ♥

►"Keep yourself busy in remembering your faults, so that you have no time to remember the faults of others.

►Be sad on account of all the time you spent in the past in other than the pursuit of your Hereafter. 

►Cry frequently for the wrongs you have committed in the past, and perhaps you will then be saved from them.

►Never tire or become bored of good deeds and of the people who perform them."

- ۞ Sufyan ath-Thawri ۞

►Join: Muslimah Spirit

Reliance on Allah (swt) is not just about hoping for the better, for the best, for something close to a miracle. It actually lies in knowing that whatever He sends your way, is good for you in ways you cannot imagine. That whether there is hardship or ease, the purpose of life is to be tested. And the test is never about our laughter or tears. It’s about contentment. It’s about our level of emaan and the kefiat in our hearts.

As you can taste a pot full of food with a spoon likewise someone's tongue can tell you about his heart - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (not a hadith)

Umar R.A’s Advice

•Do not be misled by someone’s reputation.

•Do not judge a person only by his performance of Salah and Sawm; rather look into his truthfulness and wisdom.

•One who keeps his secrets controls his affairs.
•Fear the person whom you hate.
•Prudent is he who can assess his actions.
•Do not defer your work for tomorrow.
•He who has no idea of evil can easily fall into its trap.
•Judge a man’s intelligence by the questions he asks.
•Less concern for material well-being enables one to lead a free life.
•It is easier not to indulge in sins than to repent.
•Contentment and gratitude are two great Virtues; you should not care which one you are getting.
•Be grateful to him who points out your defects.

The words of a wise, noble, God fearing man - Umar ibn Al-Khattab R.A♥

Allah knows best

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Do not give up supplicating, for no one who supplicates is ruined.” [Ibn Hibban, al- Adiyya]
As you can taste a pot full of food with a spoon likewise someone's tongue can tell you about his heart - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (not a hadith)
‎#Ponder this. Wake up."If you see that your heart is becoming hard and your body is becoming weak and your provision is decreasing, know that you are involved in that which doesn’t concern you."

– Malik ibn Dinar Rahimahullah
The life of this world is made up of three days: yesterday has gone with all that was done; tomorrow, you may never reach; but today is for you so do what you should do today.

Al-Hasan Al-Basrî
‎"He is the wisest and the most knowing who advises people not to lose hope and confidence in the Mercy of the Most Merciful." -Ali (R.A

“No disaster strikes me in this world but that I see in it three blessings:

►that my faith was not shaken,►that it was not worse than it was, and►that Allah will reward me for it.”-- Umar ibn al-Khattāb (radi Allahu 'anhu)

Imaam Ibn Qayyim (rahimahu-Allaah) said:“Regret for wasted time should be deep, for time passes quickly and it is difficult to make up what you have missed. Time for the worshiper is a time for worship and reciting awraad (adhkar), and for the devoted Muslim it is time for turning to Allaah عز و جل and focusing on Him سبحانه وتعالى with all his heart.Time is the dearest thing to him and he would feel very sad if time passes without him doing what he is meant to do. If he misses time, he can never make it up, because a second time has its own duties. So if he misses time, there is no way he can bring it back.”(Madaarij al-Saalikin, 3/49)

“You must be willing to change. You must be willing to break the deal you made with the devils within. You must be willing to leave the past and not be tempted to rebound when times are tough. You must be willing to let go of everything and anyone that takes you back to your sins. You must be willing to have hope. You must be willing to have hope that you can change and that you will and that you will be better. You must believe you are worthy of change and you are worthy of improvement and you are worthy of being the best. You must be willing to set aside your negative notions about life, about hardships, about people, about things, about yourself. You must be willing to stop feeling sorry for yourself while looking at the world move around you. Get up and make something of yourself.”

Imam Ibn Qayyim Al jawzyyahAllâh's help is 24/7, you can call Allâh at anytime !!! So... What are you waiting for? ♥✔- “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” [The Quran, 40:60]

Abu Hurairah ra said that Rasulullah saw said : "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the greatest falsehood. Do not try to find fault with each other, do not spy on one another, do not vie with one another, do not envy one another, do not be angry with one another, do not turn away from one another, and be servants of Allah, brothers to one another, as you have been enjoined. A Muslim is the brother of a muslim, he does him no wrong, nor does he let him down, nor does he despise him. Fear of God is here, fear of God is here, and he pointed to his chest. It is evil enough thata Muslim should look down on his brother. For every muslim is sacred to one another : his blood, his honour, and his property. Allah does not look at your bodies or your forms, or your deeds, but He looks at your hearts". ( Bukhari, Muslim )

Love for the sake of Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala), and not for the sake of anything else in this life which is filled with greed, desires and interests, is very difficult, and none can attain it except the one who is pure of heart, for whom this world is as nothing compared to the pleasure of Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala). It is not surprising that Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) should give them a status and blessing which is commensurate with their position in this world, above whose concerns they have risen. We find proof of this in the hadith of Mu'adh who said that the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:

"Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) said: 'Those who love one another for My glory, will have minbars of light, and the Prophets and martyrs will wish that they had the same." [Reported by al-Tirmidhi, who said it is a hasan sahih hadith]

Life plan of Muslim

Publication time: 18 September 2012, 14:43 

Outcome of life - Paradise;
Purpose of life which leads to Paradise - proper worship (Ibadat) of his Creator;
Condition to achieve the goal - right intention (niyat);
Causes leading to the goal - complete submission to Allah;
Actions that generate reasons - to stick the Qur'an and Sunnah;
Means - Jihad against nafs (soul) and Taghut (false deities).

Life Plan can not be completed without Jihad against Taghut and victory over one's own nafs. Sign of victory over the nafs - conscious obedience to Allah and fear of God in all worldly and religious affairs. And you can not fully submit to Him when worshipping false gods.

Jihad against Taghut - establishing the laws of Allah on the whole earth
Form - Islamic Caliphate


To live for the sake of Allah, to worship his Creator, with the intention to establish the laws of the Creator on the earth hoping to go to heaven.


Destination - Paradise
Road - Niyat, Ibadat
Transport facility - submission to Allah
Rule to drive the transport facility - the Quran and the Sunnah
Fuel - Jihad


Paradise - result
Worship - goal
Intention - condition
Subordination to Allah - reason
The Qur'an and the Sunnah - the action
Jihad - means


by Abu Bilal

Kavkaz Center

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