Monday 26 November 2012

Easy love

‎7 Qualities that Allah Loves

1. Repentance

“For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly (in repentance).” [2:222]

2. Purification

“Allah loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.” [2:222]

3. Taqwa (Piety)

“For Allah loves the righteous (the pious).” [9:4]

4. Goodness & Perfection

“For Allah loves those who do good.” [3:134]

5. Trust in Allah

“For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him).” [3:159]

6. Justice

“For Allah loves those who judge in equity.” [5:42]
“For Allah loves those who are fair (and just).” [49:9]

7. Patience

“And Allah Loves those who are firm and steadfast.” [3:146]


Anas ibn Malik (radiyAllâhu 'anhu) reported that the Prophet, sallAllâhu 'alayhi wa salam, said, "Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Calm people and do not arouse their aversion."

[Bukhar: Book 8 Vol 73 Hadith 146]

    ‎"If you're in prayer, take care of your heart; if you're eating, take care of your throat; if you're in another man's house, take care of your eyes; if you're among people, take care of your tongue.

    Remember two matters & forget two matters:
    Remember Allaah & death.
    Forget any good that you've done to another & any evil that was done by another to you." (♥)

    (From the Wise Sayings of Luqman Alaihis salam)

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