Friday 16 November 2012


It was narrated by Maarouf al-Dawalibi in his memoir

"[In 1967], Charles De Gaulle held a dialogue with [Saudi] King Faisal. French President Charles De Gaulle 

told King Faisal that the Jews have a right to Palestine because they lived there 4,000 years ago. King Faisal told him that in that case, France belongs to Rome, because 3,000 years ago, the Romans were in France. 

Does every country that occupies another country [have a right to it]? Palestine is the country of the Palestinians, who have lived there since the day God created it. If every country belonged to the people who entered it, no country in the world would belong to its people.

"[De Gaulle] said: But some Jews were born in Palestine, and therefore, it is their country. [King Faisal] asked: How many embassies are there in France? [De Gaulle] said: 150 embassies. [King Faisal] asked: "What if every ambassador or embassy worker whose wife gives birth in France were to demand that France belong to him because his children were born in France? France would be lost to you.

"Charles De Gaulle was speechless, and he was so convinced by what King Faisal said that he banned the sale of arms to the Jews in those days. Brothers, dialogue is the solution."

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