Monday 5 November 2012


Khalid Sword shared Search TRUTH's photo.
Single Life vs Married Life (A story)

One dark night in the streets of Mauritius, Port-Louis… walked two strangers and clashed into one another. It was no other than Single Life and Married life. They both come across one another. Married life falls on the ground and single life yells at him. “Hey! Can’t you see where you are going?” Married Life remains silent and starts walking towards his destination. Single life stands right there looking at Married Life walk in pain. He... realizes his mistake and how rude he was to him in anger. While moving forward he steps on to something. He looks at the road and finds a cellphone. He calls out to Married life and goes after him. He apologizes to Married Life and gives him his cellphone. Married life says, “It’s alright. I have learned to be patient especially when someone is angry. Don’t worry about it. I forgave you already”. Single life looks at him in amazement.
“How come? I have never seen any of my friends forgiving me like this. I am no one but a stranger to you. Besides, I was so rude to you. You fell on the road! Aren’t you angry with me? You are so patient! May Allah bless you!” Married life smiles and thanks him for returning his cell phone. He looks at single life and asks him what’s wrong. Single life looked upset and frustrated.

Single life: Let’s go sit down at the bench. I will tell you.

[Married and single life both sit down together.]

Single life: I don’t know. It’s just life is getting nowhere for me. I go to the university in the morning and work in the evening. I always feel something is missing in me. Something is quite not right about the way my life is going. I feel lonely all the time although I have so many friends. I could go to a party with so many people around but I don’t feel happy. I feel alone. That’s all. Nothing much really.

Married life: You should get married.

Single Life (falls off the chair): “Aaaah what?” What did you say?

Married Life: Yeah! You should get married. Marriage is half your deen. It looks like you are missing your other half.

Single life: Oh! I don’t know. Are you married?

Married life: Yes.

Single life: Masha’ Allah it must be nice! You have a companion for a life. You are so lucky!! Life must be so good for you?

Married life: No! It’s not the way you think it is. Before when I was single, I used to look up to the married couples. When it was my turn, I was so excited. After marriage, I hated my decision. When I was single, I had so much fun. I had time for my friends. I could play video games all day, come home at night. I had so much freedom. After marriage, my whole life changed. I had to become so patient and it’s nothing about me. I fell in love and all I can think of is how to give happiness to my other half. There is no “me” anymore. I can’t even go out wherever I want. I have to tell my wife everything. It’s such a drag. Single life was so much better.

Single life: You mean after I get married, I would prefer my single life over married life? I think you are wrong!!

[Single life and Married life get into an argument]

Married life: Okay, you want to get married then?

Single life: Yes!! Absolutely!! I want to get married Insha’ Allah. Life would be so easy.

Married life: It takes more than that. Life is never easy. The day I got married, my wife always woke me up for Tahajjud prayer even though I as so tired from work!!

Single life: How did you feel after praying Tahajjud?

Married life: I actually felt good and more closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

Single life: Okay.

Married Life: I don’t like my wife’s cooking? She doesn’t know how to cook. She makes me go on a diet and gives me all healthy food!!

Single life: How were you when you were single?

Married life: I was fat but now I am in good shape Alhamdulillah.

Single life: Hmm…How does your wife treat you?

Married life: She takes good care of me. I have no complains. She tells me everything and I admire her honesty.

Single life: Then? What is wrong with your life?

Married life: Yeah…I never thought of it that way. My life is better than yours.

Single life: Do you know how miserable I feel?

Married life: No I don’t. Listen, today I learned something from you and you learned something from me. We both have Alhamdulillah. Make lots of Du’ahs. Insha’ Allah get married soon. Marriage teaches you things that you never would have learned by yourself. It completes you. At times when I don’t wake up for Fajr prayer, my wife would wake me up and I do the samefor her. We both help each other with our mistakes and try to get better. If I do wrong, she tells me. When she does wrong, I tell her. I do not like to hurt her feelings so I say it in a kind way. The best part is we understand each other. My wife takes good care of me. At times we do fight, but at the end of the day we are together. I cannot imagine myself without her.

[Tears come out of Single life’s eyes.]

Single Life: I am so getting married soon Insha’ Allah and I will invite you. Jazaak Allahu Khayran.

Married Life: May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala grant you a pious spouse Ameen

“Allah turns you from one feeling to another and teaches you by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly - not one.”
Single Life vs Married Life (A story)

One dark night in the streets of Mauritius, Port-Louis… walked two strangers and clashed into one another. It was no other than Single Life and Married life. They both come across one another. Married life falls on the ground and single life yells at him. “Hey! Can’t you see where you are going?” Married Life remains silent and starts walking towards his destination. Single life stands right there looking at Married Life walk in pain. He... realizes his mistake and how rude he was to him in anger. While moving forward he steps on to something. He looks at the road and finds a cellphone. He calls out to Married life and goes after him. He apologizes to Married Life and gives him his cellphone. Married life says, “It’s alright. I have learned to be patient especially when someone is angry. Don’t worry about it. I forgave you already”. Single life looks at him in amazement.
“How come? I have never seen any of my friends forgiving me like this. I am no one but a stranger to you. Besides, I was so rude to you. You fell on the road! Aren’t you angry with me? You are so patient! May Allah bless you!” Married life smiles and thanks him for returning his cell phone. He looks at single life and asks him what’s wrong. Single life looked upset and frustrated.

Single life: Let’s go sit down at the bench. I will tell you.

[Married and single life both sit down together.]

Single life: I don’t know. It’s just life is getting nowhere for me. I go to the university in the morning and work in the evening. I always feel something is missing in me. Something is quite not right about the way my life is going. I feel lonely all the time although I have so many friends. I could go to a party with so many people around but I don’t feel happy. I feel alone. That’s all. Nothing much really.

Married life: You should get married.

Single Life (falls off the chair): “Aaaah what?” What did you say?

Married Life: Yeah! You should get married. Marriage is half your deen. It looks like you are missing your other half.

Single life: Oh! I don’t know. Are you married?

Married life: Yes.

Single life: Masha’ Allah it must be nice! You have a companion for a life. You are so lucky!! Life must be so good for you?

Married life: No! It’s not the way you think it is. Before when I was single, I used to look up to the married couples. When it was my turn, I was so excited. After marriage, I hated my decision. When I was single, I had so much fun. I had time for my friends. I could play video games all day, come home at night. I had so much freedom. After marriage, my whole life changed. I had to become so patient and it’s nothing about me. I fell in love and all I can think of is how to give happiness to my other half. There is no “me” anymore. I can’t even go out wherever I want. I have to tell my wife everything. It’s such a drag. Single life was so much better.

Single life: You mean after I get married, I would prefer my single life over married life? I think you are wrong!!

[Single life and Married life get into an argument]

Married life: Okay, you want to get married then?

Single life: Yes!! Absolutely!! I want to get married Insha’ Allah. Life would be so easy.

Married life: It takes more than that. Life is never easy. The day I got married, my wife always woke me up for Tahajjud prayer even though I as so tired from work!!

Single life: How did you feel after praying Tahajjud?

Married life: I actually felt good and more closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

Single life: Okay.

Married Life: I don’t like my wife’s cooking? She doesn’t know how to cook. She makes me go on a diet and gives me all healthy food!!

Single life: How were you when you were single?

Married life: I was fat but now I am in good shape Alhamdulillah.

Single life: Hmm…How does your wife treat you?

Married life: She takes good care of me. I have no complains. She tells me everything and I admire her honesty.

Single life: Then? What is wrong with your life?

Married life: Yeah…I never thought of it that way. My life is better than yours.

Single life: Do you know how miserable I feel?

Married life: No I don’t. Listen, today I learned something from you and you learned something from me. We both have Alhamdulillah. Make lots of Du’ahs. Insha’ Allah get married soon. Marriage teaches you things that you never would have learned by yourself. It completes you. At times when I don’t wake up for Fajr prayer, my wife would wake me up and I do the samefor her. We both help each other with our mistakes and try to get better. If I do wrong, she tells me. When she does wrong, I tell her. I do not like to hurt her feelings so I say it in a kind way. The best part is we understand each other. My wife takes good care of me. At times we do fight, but at the end of the day we are together. I cannot imagine myself without her.

[Tears come out of Single life’s eyes.]

Single Life: I am so getting married soon Insha’ Allah and I will invite you. Jazaak Allahu Khayran.

Married Life: May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala grant you a pious spouse Ameen

“Allah turns you from one feeling to another and teaches you by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly - 

Husband and wife, beware of Shayateen's tricks. Their aim is to separate you
Jaabir who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Iblees placed his throne on water then he sends out his emissaries, and the closest of them to him in status is the one who causes the most fitnah (tribulation). One of them comes and says, ‘I did such and such,’ and he says, ‘You have not done much.’ Then another of them comes and says, ‘I did not leave him alone until I caused division between him and his wife,’ and he draws him close to him and says, ‘How good you are.’” Muslim, 5023.

When deciding on who to marry make the wise choice. Choose character over beauty, person over money, mind over body, and religion over degree. When making Du'a to Allah ask for the total package. {Sheikh Navaid Aziz}
Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife do not take each other as opponents/competators but clearly understood that they are on the same side.

That beautiful moment when Abu Dar Dah (Radhi Allahu Anhu) is dying and his wife, Umm Dar Dah (Radhi Allahu Anha) says,“Listen, whenever you came to propose to mein this Dunya you asked my father for my handandI accepted. So, ask ALLAH (SubhanahuWa Ta'ala) for me to be your wife in Al-Akhirah.”Subhan’ALLAH, your probably thinking right now,“Oh thats just sweet talk. He’s dying and she’s just being nice.”But guess what happens after that ???When Abu Dar Dah (Radhi Allahu Anhu) passes away,She gets a marriage proposal from Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan (Radhi Allahu Anhu): who was the Khalifah of the Muslims.Muawiyah (Radhi Allahu Anhu) is someone who is wealthy, high in status, and one of the companions of Rasulullah (SalAllahu 'Aalayhi Wa Sallam) and he is sending a proposal to Umm Dar Dah (Radhi Allahu Anha).This was the response of Umm Dar Dah (Radhi Allahu Anha) to Muawiyah (Radhi Allahu Anhu).She says,“I cannot marry you because I am already engaged to Abu Dar Dah in Jannah.”Subhan’ALLAH ! ♥

You might be married to the worst man ever, like Asiyah was married to Pharaoh - but it didn’t change her and her loyalty and love to Allah.

You might be married to the best of men, like Prophet of Allah, and still not enter Heaven - like the wife of Nabi Lut ('alayhi al-salam)

You might be not married to any man, like Maryam ('alayha al-salam), and Allah can make your rank higher than any woman on the Earth.

Know your priorities. Love and trust is with ALLAH first ♥

►The best love story for a Muslim is finding a wife/husband who makes their Imaan rise, who makes them want to gain knowledge and become more pious, what is more blessed than that !!"

may ALLAH bestows all of us with such a partner !! Ameen

There is no greater love than the love one feels for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and whoever has not experienced this love does not know what true love is.

Ya Allah I leave everything up to You. While I may know what I want, only You know what I need. You know what’s best for me and I trust that. So Ya Allah, I ask You to grant me what’s best for me and keep away that which will not benefit me.

Ameen, Sum Ameen ♡

The following is from a friend. I found it interesting. Hope you do too.

"Marriage is a school where you get the certificate before you start.A school where you will never graduate.A school without a break or a free period.A school where no one is allowed to drop out.A school which you will have to attend every day of your life.A school where there is no sick leave or holidays.A school founded by the Almighty:1.On the foundation of love,2.The walls made of trust,3.The door made of acceptance,4.The windows made of understanding.5.The furniture made of blessings.6.The roof made of faith.Before you forget, you are just a student not the principal. The Almighty is the principal.Even at times of a storm, don't be unwise and run outside.Remember this school is the safest place to be.Never go to sleep before completing your assignments for the day.Never forget the C-word, communicate, communicate, communicate with your classmate and with the Principal.If you find something in your classmate (spouse) that you do not appreciate, remember your classmate is also just a student not a graduate. The Almighty is not finished with him/her yet, so take it as a challenge and work on it together.Do not forget to study, study, study the Noble Book (the main textbook in this school).Start each day with a sacred assembly and end it the same way.Sometimes you will feel like not attending class, yet you have to.When tempted to quit find the courage and continue.Some tests and exams may be tough but remember the Principal knows how much you can bear.Still, it is one of the best schools on earth; joy, peace and happiness accompany each lesson of the day.Different subjects are offered in this school, yet love is the major subject.After all the years of being theoretical about it, now you have a chance to practice it.To be loved is a good thing, but to love is the greatest privilege of them all.Marriage is a place of love, so love your spouse but remember: "This class doesn't involve a person who is not permitted into it"! If you invite your mother or father or your friends to this class, or anyone who is not allowed to be there, you will fail the exam.It is you who should attend and it is you who will pass.Its your choice today:" build it or break it".May the Almighty bless us all. Aameen "

Righteous spouses assist one another in preserving their deen by offering help, support, and advice that enable them to obey Allah and abstain from sinning. ♥

“The type of person you marry plays a big role in the type of children you have, so do your unborn children a favor by choosing wisely.”
— Mufti Menk

When talking about marriage, Allah says your spouses are garments for you. A garment may or may not fit perfectly--but either way, it covers imperfections, protects, and beautifies.

“Allah has already written the names of your spouses for you.What you need to work on is your relationship with Allaah.He will send her/him to you when you’re ready.
It is only a matter of time.”

Before you get married, make sure your hands & heart are empty from yesterdays junk, so that you can fully embrace your "present". It would be very unfair to the one you marry if you can not give 100% of yourself as well as accept 100% with mind & heart ♥

Don't fall too deep for someone, unless you're married. Truth is...they can leave you drowning at any time

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