“Don’t ever leave off making du’aa nor allow what [bad deeds] you commit to prevent you from it, for indeed Allaah answered the du’aa of Iblees (the Devil) and he is the most evil of creation [when he said to Allaah] “Grant me respite until the Day in which they will be resurrected.’ He (Allaah) said, ‘Indeed you are from those who are granted respite.’ [7:14-15]”
— Ibn `Uyaynah (Rahimahullaah), Ash-Shu’aab 2/1147
"Do not find slow the answer to your du’aa when you have shut off its path with your sins."
- Yahyaa Ibn Mu’aadh (Rahimahullaah), As-Siyar, 13/15
Don't treat Dua like a medicine where you only use it in times of need. Rather, treat Dua like the Air which u continuously breatheWe are in the need of Allah for the betterment of this world and the next and for this reason we turn to Allah in dua and Allah loves to hear from us to make dua. Allah test us He cause hardship fall upon us so that we turn to Him, so we beg Him and ask Him.
Dua is a ibadah, it is a conversation with Allah, our Creator, our Lord and Master, the All Knowing, the All Powerful
Dua is not a name applied to the beseeching words uttered by the tongue, but it is the urge and the yearning of our hearts. When we confess of our absolute helplessness and incompetence, which is the essence of servitude, then the doors of Allah’s mercy do open for us. Try to memorize more dua, more adhkar and more importantly try to understand what you are saying.
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