Sunday 4 November 2012

Dua' Made In Tahajjud

''The Dua made in tahajjud is like an arrow that didn't miss its target.''

(Imaam Shafi)

"Prolonged hopes lead one to the habit of postponing repentance. Man is beguiled by thoughts that it is yet too early to take to repentance. Life is long, the present age is too tender to think of repentance which may be put off for some future time. It is an action which lies within one's power and may be taken as and when one likes. Surrounded by such misleading thoughts, man becomes negligent in the matter of reforming himself. He goes on postponing repentance until death overtakes him all of a sudden. Thus, he loses the world as well as the Hereafter." -Imam al-Ghazali

"Some people leave off du'a thinking that their requests will never be fulfilled, or thinking that their affliction or hardship will not be removed. But who still keeps supplicating? The one who thinks well of Allah. What does that mean? It's not what may be initially understood which is that Allah is Merciful and that's it. This isn't enough. Thinking well of Allah is to first know that Allah is able to do all things, and then to know that Allah is the Most Merciful. The key to thinking well of Allah is to know that nothing on earth or in the heavens can stop Allah from doing what He wishes."

– Sh. Salih al-Maghamisi
Never claim you don’t have time. All the great individuals had the same 24 hours in a single day. The only difference was that Allah had blessed their times and they also had good time management. Alhasan Albasri said: O son of Adam; you are merely (a bunch of) days. Every time a day passes, some of you is gone forever!

"A true servant of Allah cannot feel jealous - he is content with what Allah has chosen for him, and for others."

-Sh. Yasir Qadhi
“A hundred years from now when you are alone in your grave, no one will care how much money you had, what car you drove or what kind of house you lived in. The only thing that will matter then will be your righteous deeds.”

AbdulBary Yahya

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymin said,

"Act upon this verse even if only once. Find something you love and give it away for the sake of Allah, so that perhaps you will attain piety. Allah says,

'By no means shall you attain piety unless you spend of that which you love...'" Surah Al-Imran: 92

Allaah is closer to us than our jugular vein, thus how can we ever feel lonely?When people change, desert you or simply can't hear the cries of your heart; know that He never changes, He never deserts you and He is the best at understanding the language of your tears.. ♥ 

"Many claim to love Allâh, but when Allâh tests them with hardship, they forget the true essence of love. No one can adhere to the love of Allâh except those who are patient and persevering (as-sâbirûn). If it were not for the test of hardship and sincerity, there would be no proof of the sincerity of a person’s love of Allâh. The one whose love of Allâh is greater, has a greater degree of patience.

He said about His beloved slave Ayyûb (AS): “…Truly We found him full of patience and constancy. How excellent in Our service! Ever did he turn (to Us)!” (Sâd 38:44)"

- Imam Ibn al Qayyim


Rasulullah [SallAllahu Alayhi WaSallam] said,
► "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well - you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong - you will do wrong. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil." [Al-Tirmidhi #1325]

The test of the rich is how humble they remain as they gain wealth & how grateful they are to the Almighty who is the sole Owner of all wealth.

This gratitude is displayed by increasing acts of worship, obeying commands & abstaining from prohibitions.

The humility is gauged by the attitude towards fellow human beings, the manner of spending, the ability to fight off the urge to have a say in everything, dominate & control solely due to the amount of wealth we have. 

This test ends either when we become poor once again or when we die leaving behind whatever we had amassed for our heirs to fight over in most cases.

Beware of the dangers of this great test!

-Mufti Ismail Menk 

♥ Kindly Join ► Trust Allah Always

A man complained to al-Hasan about a drought, and he said to him: “Pray to Allaah for forgiveness.” Another man complained to him of poverty and he said to him: “Pray to Allaah to forgive you.” Another man said to him: “Pray to Allaah to bless me with a child.” He said: “Pray to Allaah for forgiveness.” Another complained to him that his garden was dry. He said to him: “Pray to Allaah for forgiveness.”

We asked him about that and he said: “This is not my personal opinion, for Allaah says in Soorat Nooh •► ‘Ask forgiveness from your Lord, verily, He is Oft‑Forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance. And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers.”

(Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 18/301-302)

"Beware of that which corrupts your deeds...

Imaam Sufyaan Ath-Thawree

(rahimahullaah) said: “Beware of that which corrupts your deeds, for indeed Riyaa is what corrupts your deeds. And if it is not Riyaa, then it may be you being amazed with yourself until it makes you think
that you are more virtuous than your brother.

 It may be that you have notachieved actions the likes of which he has achieved, and it may be that he has more apprehensive fear towards thatwhich Allaah has forbidden and more righteous actions than you. 

And if it is not self-amazement, then beware of loving the praise of the people—lovingtheir praise so that they may honouryou due to your deeds and see you as someone of nobility and high status in their hearts, or due to a need you seek from them in many affairs; because youshould wish for the home of theafterlife through your actions and not other than it. 

And remembering death a lot is enough as a means of having less concern for the things of the worldly life and a means to a fervent desire for t

he afterlife.A prolonged hope (for the things of this worldly life) is enough as a (means) to having little fear of(Allaah) and committing acts ofdisobedience; and the distress and regret on the Day of Judgment is enough for the one who knows but

does not act.”[Source: Hilyatul Awliyaa (6/391)]# Reminder to myself..

How are u today? ♥

They asked Ibn Taymyyah (rahimahullah) once :"how are you today?"
He answered :” I have reached the morning with two Ni’am (blessings) I don’t know which one is better than the other :the first is that Allah covered up my sins so no one could look down to me because of them
the second is that Allah grant me the love of His creatures despite my deeds are not worthy of this love.”

Do Not love, if it is not for the sake of Allaah! And do Not hate if it is not for the sake of Allaah! Our personal feelings shouldn't take priority! Remember your purpose, remember your reason for existence, to worship Allaah. Let everything be for HIS sake. Reminder to myself.

All the oceans and rivers couldn't extinguish the smallest rock in Hell, but a teardrop you shed in fear of Allah could save you from it.

~ Shaykh Ahmad Musa ~

When our faith is weak, we are more likely to fall into sins until we completely get desensitized to their ghastly nature. The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) described the heart ravaged by weakness in the sahih hadith by stating: 
“The heart will be subjected to trial after trial, and there will appear a black stain on any heart that is affected, which will spread until the heart is completely black and sealed, as it were, so that it will not recognize any good deed or denounce any evil, except whatever suits its own desires.” (Reported by Muslim, no. 144)
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Seek out that which benefits you, seek help only from Allah and never say you can't do it. If any adversity comes to you do not say: 'If I had only acted in such-and-such a way, it would have been such-and-such;' but instead, say: 'Allah has decreed (it) and what He willed, He has done,' for verily, (the word) ‘if’ opens the way for the work of Satan." [Sahih Muslim]

Through this hadith Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) tells us to:

1. Seek the beneficial.2. Ask Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) for help.3. Be optimistic. Nothing is impossible if Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) wills it for you.4. Don’t cry over spilt milk.5. Trust Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) in what He has willed for you.Time is like a river . . . You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow has passed and will never pass again. If there is something that will benefit you, make every effort and go after it! Seek it out! There is no failure, only lessons.

Productive Muslim:
If you believe from the depths of your heart that the Creator of the universe wishes the best for you, then no matter what happens, you won’t be worried. As long as you know you’re taking the right action then no matter what the outcome is, you’ll surrender to it with peace. There’s nothing to be afraid of, because there is nothing better than being content with the knowledge that the Creator of the universe is doing what is best for you.

"Every one of us is tested in different ways. For some of us, it might be the excess of wealth, for others, the lack of wealth. For some, it might be in the avoidance of alcohol, for other, guarding one's tongue from speaking evil.Never feel superior to someone struggling with one test, because for sure, you are struggling with another.”

{Shaykh Yasir Qadhi}

Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah:

“Know that the greatest of losses is for you to be preoccupied with one who will bring you nothing but a loss in your time with Allah –the Mighty and Majestic –and being cut off from Him, a wasting your time with the person, a weakening of your energy, and the dispersing of your resolve. So, if you are tested with this –and you must be tested with this –deal with him according to how Allah would wish, and be patient with him as much as possible.

Get closer to Allah and His Pleasure by way of this person, and make your getting together with him something to benefit from, not something to incur a loss from. Be with him as if you are a man who is on a road who was stopped by another man, who then asks you to take him on your journey. Make sure that you are the one who gives him a ride, and that he is not the one giving you the ride. If he refuses, and there is nothing to gain from traveling with him, do not stop for him, bid him farewell, and do not even turn back to look at him, as he is a highway robber, regardless of who he really is. So, save your heart, be wary of how you spend your days and nights, and do not let the Sun set before you arrive at your destination.”

(‘al-Wabil as-Sayyib’; p. 45)

اللَّهُ أَكْبَر

We will spend our whole lives looking to love and be loved. Only to come to the realization that the only love that truly counts is the love of your lord and creator.

The Messenger of Allah (Sall’Allahu alayhi wa salam) said (narrated by Jabir bin `Abdullah):

“The best Dhikr (remembering Allah) is La ilaha illallah and the best supplication is Al-Hamdu Lillah.” [At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah]

“To my dead brothers in Syria, to my crying mothers in Afghanistan, to my screaming sisters in Iraq, to my burned and hanged people in Kashmir, to my crying children in Palestine and to the forgotten people in Somalia… May Allah grant you justice and jannah (paradise). Ameen! (koshur rebel)


In this life and the Hereafter.

1. SABR: patience, steadfastness, ...endurance and accepting what Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) has destined for you. This will make you strong to face more hardship and will give you rewards in this life by lifting your troubles and with many goodness in the next life.

2. SHUKR: gratefulness, thankful to Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) for everything, feeling content with what Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) has given you. This will make you feel rich even if you don't have a thing and it will get you rewarded here by increasing your blessings here and in the hereafter.

3. TAQWA: piousness, righteousness, good character, doing what is prescribed and keeping away from forbidden deeds. This will make you loved by Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) , His angels and mankind and you will be rewarded in this life by always having a way out in this life and with Jann'ah.

4. TAWAKKUl: putting your total trust in Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) , leaving your affairs in His hands, realising that everything goes as He has planned. This will give you peace of mind and heart. ~Kami ~

"If you are on the way towards Allah, then run. If it was hard for you, then jog. If you got tired, then walk. And if you can't, then crawl, and never stop or go back." -Imam Ash-Shafi'ee rahimahullah

"If you are on the way towards Allah, then run. If it was hard for you, then jog. If you got tired, then walk. And if you can't, then crawl, and never stop or go back." -

Imam Ash-Shafi'ee rahimahullah

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The best prayer after the obligatory prayer is prayer at night.”

Narrated by Muslim, 1163.

And he said: “You should pray qiyaam al-layl, for it is the custom of the righteous who came before you and it brings you closer to your Lord, and expiates sins and prevents misdeeds.”

You must convince your heart that whatever Allah has decreed is most appropriate, and most beneficial for you." - Imam al-Ghazālī

‎"Allah tests those whom He loves. So when you're facing a hard time, take solace that you're close to Him." Alhamdulillah..

Hasan Basri adviced some of his students admonishing them about avoiding the state of being proud. He said: 

1. Do not deceive yourself into becoming too proud because you are in and good or righteous environment, for there is no place that is better than Paradise, and our father, Adam (pbuh) experienced there what is known to all.

2. Do not become proud merely because you worship often, for consider what happened to Iblis (Satan) after he spent a great deal of time worshiping.

3. Do not think yourself great because you have met with righteous people, for there is no man more righteous than the Prophet (sal) , yet the disbelievers and hypocrites did not benefit by simply knowing him.

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