Monday 19 November 2012

This is for everyone who speaks badly of the mujahideen

*WHY JIHAADD* ............... ­ ­......!?

1. For The Elimination Of Fittnah...... (Al Baqarah : 193)2. For The Dominance Of Islaam...... (Al Annfaal : 39)3. To Force The Disbelievers To PayJizyah ...... (Al Ttaubah : 29)4. To Help The Weak And Oppressed ...... (Al Nnisaa : 75)5. To Seek Revenge For The Murder Of Musslim ...... (Al Baqarah: 178)6. Fight To Defend Your Self ...... (AlBaqarah : 190)7. To Recapture The Occupied Territory ...... (Al Baqarah : 191)8. TO Punish Those Who Violate Their Oaths ...... (Al Ttaubah : 12).

"A night in which a bride was married to me, whom I am in love with, would not be dearer to me than a night of severe cold and plenty of snow, in a campaign in which I attack the enemy within the early hours."

-Khalid ibn al-Waleed r.a, the Sword of Allah 

''The Mujahid has to study his situation and his surroundings the way he studied Jihad. Allaah gives the Mujahid the ability to see and hear many times better than the public. Mujahideen do not need scholars that are not from their organization. For their scholars are the smartest and the clearest on the issue of Jihad and fighting. Their ability comes from Jihad and the battlefields where people come to see the truth of Allaah and disregard all temptations of life. They just cannot be wrong because of that background. The leaders and Shaykhs of Jihad are the only people that value the interest of their Jihad and the benefits and the fruits of their targets.

They do not need the guidance of those that are sitting low. They do not need the opinion of those that are under the feet of the regimes and their western and American masters or those that were defeated by the culture of globalization and the accusations of terrorism. Those immoral journalists, seculars and intellectuals that speak to us from the satellite channels or from the lines of the articles in their secular papers, are wrong.

Each time the Mujahideen do a heroic act of Jihad, they start analyzing and talking through their lame prospective, they blame and accuse Jihad. They say Mujahideen are ignorant and they say that these acts will make America fight Islaam. They say that jihad will over shadow the crimes of Israel. They say that Al-mujahideen are drawn to Jihad because they are shallow and that there are mysterious hands that are controlled by the Zionist movement or other conspiracies.

You are still on earth and you sold religion and honor and integrity. You have denied your faith and Jihad and stood ashamed of its teachings and laws.Many of you wish to remove from the Qur’aan verses that talk about jihad.What right do you have to talk about Jihad and evaluate its fruits or about the martyrs and the heroes? Is it possible that the mother that is pretending to lose her child become more real and truthful than the mother that lost her child for real?

Listen losers, The Mujahideen do not need your advice that is defeated under the feet of the fake western culture. They do not need your analysis that is low and broken under the boots of the regimes of the collaborators and their masters in Washington, London, Paris and Berlin. How can you while most of you are covering for your masters in the White House, 10 Downing Street and the Elsie Palace, you keep saying that their war on Islaam is not a crusade but a war on terror that has damaged the picture of Islaam, while your masters contradict you in their statements. Shame on you dwarfs, what do you know?

They said it, it is a crusade and it has been declared on Islaam the faith of terrorism, those words were repeated by their generals that describe Muslims as worshipers of Idols and devil. It was announced by their courts and organizations that has declared a war on the Hijab (head cover) that is considered terror and a threat to secularism. You choose to close your ears and eyes and insisted on forging the truth.

The Mujahideen do not need you, half men and with no resolve. They do not need any advice on Jihad from scholars who are paid for and defeated. They do not need to ask you if it is okay with you or if their Jihad is compatible with you thinking. No, they do not need that. They have all the wisdom and the vision that they need. Die in your anger, and continue your criticism of the Mujahideen. You cannot destroy their resolve; your poisoned pins would not affect their Jihad. Nothing will affect them.''

- Sheikh al 'Alamah Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi (May Allaah Free him from the shackles of the kuffar)

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